Color Analysis
Style Analysis
Fashion Fit Formula
Eyewear Consultation
Gift Certificates

Leonardo da Vinci is credited with determining the perfect proportion of man. In the perfect specimen, the sections of the body can be broken into eight equal lengths based on the length of ones head. Clothing designers have been using this formula to create ready to wear clothing based on a standard perfectly linear (vertical) proportioned person.

The Fashion Fit Formula is a series of mathematical calculations based on 12 vertical (linear) measurements of YOUR body. Once this data is entered into our formula the results will easily enable you to identify clothing that will work wonders for your figure right off the rack.

When you use your Fashion Fit Formula, you will take the guesswork out of your clothing purchases. Since your vertical proportions are based on your bone structure, they remain the same throughout your life. Thus, your Fashion Fit Formula is a timeless tool! This cost-effective investment will result in you saving thousands of dollars by transforming your current wardrobe and making new clothing purchases that will flatter you every time.

The initial consultation takes 30-40 minutes. Three days later (by e-mail) you receive your basic measurement results and two weeks later (by mail) you receive a very comprehensive analysis package with recommendations for exactly (within an 1/8 of an inch) what length to wear your jackets, tops, skirts, sleeves, coats, pants, etc.